Some of the current University degree programmes may not support ESD or SDG integration. In many cases there is a limited support or promotion from Faculty and University. There is a lack of collaboration amongst teaching teams to take a joint approach to embed the SDGs in subject areas. Integrating the SDGs and ESD may require training in how to find and critically assess relevant resources, such as new materials and models that support transformative learning. Adapting or transforming courses takes time and effort. Assessing the impact of SDG integration in courses can be challenging. The following template aims at helping you to frame your contribution to the SDGs. The text that follows the template is a guideline that serves as a catalyst for inspiration and action.
Take a moment to reflect on how you can contribute to all or some of the SDGs through your academic work. Use the following template to decide if you want to adapt, reform or transform your courses. Start deciding the level of transformation and the elements you want to start with. Propose suggestions for action and implement them.
This simple practice can have a profound impact on your engagement with the SDGs. By integrating changes into your courses, you’ll cultivate a proactive mindset, constantly seeking opportunities to advance global progress.
Empowering SDG Integration in University Degree Programs: A Template for Transformation
Behaviour wanted to change
No experience in linking the SDGs in current curricula
I want to adapt/reform/transform my courses towards ESD and contribute to the SDGs through my teaching.
Nudge Description
Related challenge
Placing a higher priority on teaching SD concepts & SDGs in diverse regular disciplinary courses, tailored to the nature of each specific course
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