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Empower Sustainability Through Strategic Printer Placement

Behaviour wanted to change

The waste of paper and printing of pointless documents in my workspace.


I want to help reduce the amount of paper and ink waste stored in my workplace. I would also like to be aware of where items that contribute to pollution are located.

Nudge Description

The idea is simple, let’s make printers less accessible. So we have to start by looking around in our office, and ask ourselves if we can we can locate the printers as far as we can from our workspace, always using common sense. In order to illustrate bad and good practices when distributing printers at the office, we present two different office layouts. One scenario represent a Bad practice and the other one the Good practice. These are only examples to help you imaging how you can implement this nudge.

  1. See the examples in this document.
  2. It is better if there is only one printer for the whole office, so maybe you will need to coordinate with your co-workers.
  3. Evaluate your workplace and look for appropriate places to locate the printer:
    • Is there any power supply nearby?
    • Is there any table available for the printer?
    • Is it accessible enough but not too close to anyone?
  4. You find the place, perfect! Install the printer, and you are set to save paper, ink and energy.
Related challenge
Decrease paper consumption
Nudge Type
Changes of Accessibility, Defaults, and Friction
Challenge Dimension

Nudge Yourself for a Better Future

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission under the Grant Agreement Number 2021-1-ES01-KA220-HED-000027588. This website reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein 

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