Technology is all around us. Computers and smartphones are our constant companions in both our private and professional lives. While they help us to accomplish certain tasks efficiently, their extensive use has also downsides. Therefore, it is important to schedule device-free time, for example during specific time-slots at work or in the evenings and on weekends.
- Use devices consciously and switch them off at times. Scientific studies have shown that multi-tasking reduces efficiency. A constant flow of incoming emails or phone messages popping up every minute make it difficult to stay focused.
- Distinguish between work and personal time and keep an eye on your work-life balance. Don’t read emails at home or on your phone if not absolutely necessary. Don’t work on weekends.
- Establish a nighttime routine. Studies have shown that the light emitted by smartphone or tablet displays makes it difficult to fall asleep because it inhibits the production of the sleep hormone melatonin. This shifts the sleep-wake rhythm, which subsequently affects cognitive performance such as attention. Therefore, better reading a book than taking your smartphone to bed.