Commit to use sustainable modes of transport for your daily commute. If walking or biking is not an option, choose public transport – for many reasons:
- Save money. Public transport is cheaper than going by car, especially compared to driving alone in one vehicle.
- Productive time. Public transport might take you longer, however, you can use the time to work, read, sleep or have a chat with somebody.
- Protect the environment. Save resources and reduce emissions.
- No worries: When you live completely car-free, you don’t need to worry about insurance, maintenance, fuel etc.
Nudge yourself to use public transport:
- Purchase a ticket, that allows you to travel all year around (e.g. 1-year pass). Many employers financially support such a ticket.
- Store an umbrella or a rain coat in the office, just in case.
- Have the timetables of your public transport lines at hand: Save the link on your mobile phone or print the timetable and pin it somewhere close to your door or desk.